Annual Appeals

EBCAP’s Annual Fund for Basic Human Needs


None of us ever really knows when circumstances in our lives might change. How the unexpected can turn a certainty into a challenge. How a challenge can quickly become a struggle to stay safe, healthy, and secure. The Basic Human Needs Fund is a lifeline for people in crisis. Your gift will help individuals and families with necessities such as rent, food, and clothing. Thank you for your kind support.

To Donate

To make either a one-time or recurring gift online please click here.  Or to mail your gift, please make your check payable to East Bay Community Action Program (with “BHN Annual Fund” in the memo) to: East Bay Community Action Program, Attn: Finance Dept., 19 Broadway, Newport, RI  02840.
Download our donation form.

Thank you.



Other Program Appeals

Backpack Feeding Program at Newport’s Pell Elementary School

The Backpack Feeding Program, coordinated by EBCAP’s Newport Family and Child Opportunity Zone, provides a weekly backpack of food for enrolled children to eat on weekends when food can be scarce for families. Nearly 150 students per year are served at the Pell Elementary School in Newport. A donation of just $250 will provide enough food for one student for the entire school year.  To donate online to the annual drive, now underway, click here. To mail a check, please make your check payable to East Bay Community Action Program, with “Backpack Program” in the memo, and mail to: East Bay Community Action Program, Attn: Finance Dept., 19 Broadway, Newport, RI  02840.  Download our donation form.  Thank you!

Literacy Volunteers of the East Bay

Literacy Volunteers of the East Bay seeks funds to deliver the substantial support and guidance that student-tutor pairs require to achieve their goals. Donations to our Annual Appeal can be made online HERE or by mailing a check, payable to East Bay Community Action Program (with LVEB in the memo) to: East Bay Community Action Program, Attn: Finance Dept., 19 Broadway, Newport, RI  02840.  Download our donation form.  Thank you!

  • $1,000 Buys 4 seats on Fluent Reading trainer software
  • $500 Trains 15 new tutors to work with our students
  • $250 Purchases 4 levels of the computer-based Challenger reading series for 5 students
  • $125 Buys 8 At Work in the U.S. books for students with job goals
  • $60 Tests and orients 1 new student
  • $25 Buys 1 Math in Every Day Life workbook

The RIBridges system, used for determining public assistance eligibility, is temporarily unavailable due to a cyberattack and data breach of the State’s system. Those directly impacted will receive a letter from the State of Rhode Island. Learn how to protect yourself now and stay informed by visiting the State’s website: .