Task Force for Justice and Equity

In an effort to address the issues of institutional racism and the overwhelming instances of racial injustice, East Bay Community Action Program (EBCAP) has created an employee-lead Task Force for Justice and Equity. The mission of this task force is to engage all employees in EBCAP’s collective response to systemic racism and to work together to further embed equality and social justice into our organization.

A Message from the Task Force

September 29, 2020

Devastated and heartbroken! There is no other way to describe the collective outrage for the injustice handed to Breonna Taylor and her family this past week. Once again, we are all witnesses to the structural racism in this country and to an unjust system that continually fails to protect black lives. East Bay Community Action Program is committed to bring about much needed change in this broken system. We pledge to do our part to speak out, take action, and push for justice. This starts by examining our individual biases, evaluating our internal policies, and working as a community and as individuals to do more to demand an end to systemic racism. EBCAP is committed to being part of the solution and proudly stands in solidarity with Black Lives Matter.

To read/download the Task Force’s message to the community please click here.

To contact the Task Force, please email: JusticeEquityTaskForce@ebcap.org


The RIBridges system, used for determining public assistance eligibility, is temporarily unavailable due to a cyberattack and data breach of the State’s system. Those directly impacted will receive a letter from the State of Rhode Island. Learn how to protect yourself now and stay informed by visiting the State’s website: https://admin.ri.gov/ribridges-alert .