East Bay Coalition for the Homeless

Since 1989, East Bay Coalition for the Homeless (EBCH) has been helping Rhode Island families get back on their feet by providing access to safe, affordable housing combined with case management, financial counseling and connection to mainstream resources. A seamless array of services may be accessed through our in-house or referral network. Services are individualized and designed to help families achieve and maintain financial stability.

People We Serve

Families come to us during times of crisis and debt. Whether they need safe, affordable housing or assistance addressing the hazards of lead poisoning, our staff is here to help. EBCH serves households that meet the federal definition of homelessness. Lead education and services are also available to renters and property owners.

Key Features

To house homeless families with children and provide them with the support, skills and resources needed to become self-reliant.

Location(s) of Program

Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday. 8:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M

How to Enroll

Call 401-437-1000, x.1153 for more information.


Your kind support of East Bay Coalition for the Homeless helps us provide apartments in Rhode Island’s East Bay region for families with children, combined with case management and supportive services. Donations may be made online or by check (payable to East Bay Coalition for the Homeless, and mailed to East Bay Community Action Program, Attn: Finance Department, 19 Broadway, Newport, RI  02840).  Thank you!

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The RIBridges system, used for determining public assistance eligibility, is temporarily unavailable due to a cyberattack and data breach of the State’s system. Those directly impacted will receive a letter from the State of Rhode Island. Learn how to protect yourself now and stay informed by visiting the State’s website: https://admin.ri.gov/ribridges-alert .